Why is a breeding cat such expensive?
Basic equipment
pillows to snuggle, bankies and so on
200,00 €
kennels and bags to transport
200,00 €
scartching posts
900,00 €
cat litter pans
175,00 €
fittings for exhibition cages
300,00 €
fitting for litters (litter-box, playpen, red light, scales and much more)
500,00 €
2.275,00 €
Current expenses for 7 cats in a year
food (wet food, dry food, pastes, delicacies and so on)
3.000,00 €
cat litter, care products
480,00 €
50,00 €
spare parts (scratching posts, cuddly places and so on)
100,00 €
consultings at the veterinary: vaccinations, vaccinations against worms
320,00 €
consultings at the veterinary: further
300,00 €
50,00 €
6 - 8 exhibitions (including journey)
1.200,00 €
5.500,00 €
Additional costs for a litter with 4 kitten
fee for mating (because own tomcat rarely mates)
400,00 €
consultings at the veterinary including vaccinations and vaccinations against worms
600,00 €
secial food for the mother-cat while gestation-time and lactation (5 month alltogether)
75,00 €
food for kittens for 8 weeks
240,00 €
Chips with EU-Vaccination-passports
100,00 €
documents (pedigree and caccination card)
60,00 €
1.475,00 €
If you devide the position “current expenses” by about 6 kitten in a year, you’ll allready get 920,00 €. Now, the “additional costs for a litter” accure, what I splited into 4 kitten in this example-calculation: nearly 370,00 €.
Destroyed household objects (like for example carpets, porcelain and others) are not taken into consideration. I also waived the costs for “basic equipment”, because finally eachs hobby has it’s price.
Shares of kindness and affection, what is needed by each cat and worry, when one cat needs the vet are invaluable, anyway.
A Sale to a cat-enthusiast or a sale as a breeding cat for 600,00 € (a price as a matter of course I payed, too), does not contribute to the financing of a one-family-house, no, it does not even bread our accruing costs