Crispin und Cariño eine Woche alt / Crispin y Cariño con una semana / Crispin and Cariño with one week



Crispin el 11-09-2005
Crispin el 11-09-2005
Crispin el 11-09-2005
Crispin on 11th of september 2005
Crispin on 11th of september 2005
Crispin on 11th of september 2005



Cariño el 11-09-2005
Cariño el 11-09-2005
Cariño el 11-09-2005
Cariño on 11th of september 2005
Cariño on 11th of september 2005
Cariño on 11th of september 2005
Crispin und Cariño zwei Wochen alt / Crispin y Cariño con dos semanas / Crispin and Cariño two weeks old



Cariño el 18-09-2005
Cariño el 18-09-2005
Cariño el 18-09-2005
Cariño on 18th of september 2005
Cariño on 18th of september 2005
Cariño on 18th of september 2005



Crispin el 18-09-2005
Crispin el 18-09-2005
Crispin y Cariño el 18-09-2005
Crispin on 18th of september 2005
Crispin on 18th of september 2005
Crispin and Cariño on 18th of september 2005


Crispin y Cariño el 18-09-2005
Crispin y Cariño el 18-09-2005
Crispin and Cariño on 18th of september 2005
Crispin and Cariño on 18th of september 2005



Crispin el 18-09-2005
Crispin y Cariño el 18-09-2005
Crispin y Cariño con su papa Bobby
Crispin on 18th of september 2005
Crispin and Cariño on 18th of september 2005
Crispin and Cariño with their daddy Bobby
Crispin und Cariño drei Wochen alt / Crispin y Cariño con tres semanas / Crispin and Cariño aged three weeks



Crispin el 25-09-2005
Crispin el 25-09-2005
Crispin el 25-09-2005
Crispin on 25th of september 2005
Crispin on 25th of september 2005
Crispin on 25th of september 2005

Crispin el 25-09-2005
Crispin on 25th of september 2005


Crispin el 25-09-2005
Crispin on 25th of september 2005


Cariño el 25-09-2005
Cariño el 25-09-2005
Cariño on 18th of september 2005
Cariño on 18th of september 2005
Crispin und Cariño mit einem Monat (03. und 04.10.05). Die beiden sind jetzt in den Laufstall umgezogen. / Crispin y Cariño tienen un mes (el 03 y 04 de octubre de 2005). Los dos se han mudado al parque de gatitos. / Crispin and Cariño with one month (03rd and 04th of october 2005). They moved into the playpen now.






Crispin con su mama
Crispin ya proba comida seca
Crispin ya sabe usar el servicio
Cariño with his mommy
Crispin allready tries dry food
Crispin allready knows how to use the cat litter pan



¡Hola hermano!
Hello little brother!
Come out!


afternoon nap


Crispin inspecciona los alrededores
Crispin le limpia a Cariño
Crispin learns about the surrounding
Crispin tidies Cariño up
Crispin und Cariño zu Besuch bei ihrem großen Bruder Asterix am 08./09.10.2005 /